
How to Use YouTube to Increase Sales

Andrew Andreev
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~7 min

In the modern online marketing industry, YouTube confidently occupies a leading position, having over 2 billion active users. Such a massive and diverse audience is of great interest to everyone who is somehow connected with sales and marketing. In this article, we will tell you how to sell products on YouTube and which tools are best suited for this.

1. Understanding the Power of YouTube for Sales
2. Creating Content That Drives Sales
3. Collaborating with Influencers and Bloggers
4. Using YouTube Ads to Boost Sales
5. Integrating YouTube with Other Sales Channels
6. Conclusion

Understanding the Power of YouTube for Sales

YouTube is the second most visited website on the Internet, available in 100+ countries in 80+ languages. Beyond 1 billion hours of video are watched on the platform every day. According to surveys, over 90% of its users discover new brands and products while watching videos. All this makes YouTube an extremely promising platform for companies looking to improve sales and expand their market presence. Among the main advantages of YouTube for business marketing are:

  • Global reach: The video hosting service has a large audience worldwide, so brands using it can flexibly tailor their campaigns to attract customers from a specific country or region.
  • Visual engagement. YouTube is ideal for capturing and engaging users with original, visually appealing content. Visually demonstrating the benefits of products and services evokes strong emotions in viewers, strengthening their connection with the brand.
  • SEO optimization. Integration of YouTube and Google provides additional opportunities for promoting a business and its products. Interesting videos with SEO optimization occupy high positions in Google search, attracting targeted organic traffic to the channel and the company's website.
  • Analytics and insights. No less important advantage of YouTube for video marketing are its powerful tools of complex analytics and personalized insights. With their help, marketers and entrepreneurs receive valuable data on parameters, behavior and engagement of the audience, as well as views and other indicators of the videos and channels they have released.

Creating Content That Drives Sales

Creating content for YouTube

At the core of any effective YouTube sales strategy is high-quality original content that can attract and engage the audience. We present to your attention a universal algorithm for creating such video content.

1. Define your target audience

Accurate target audience identification is the key to effective content. Collect as much data as possible about your audience, including their location, gender, age, interests, and problems. Any method will be useful: from analyzing website and social media visitors to surveys and studying engagement metrics. Understanding what your ideal client looks like and what they are interested in will help you intelligently tailor content to their requests, interests, and preferences.

2. Develop a content strategy

A well-thought-out content strategy ensures integrity and consistency in the production and publication of videos on the channel. To begin, create a content calendar, indicating planned video topics, selected formats, frequency of posting and promotion strategies. It would be a good idea to consider the seasonality factor and the relationship of the videos created with current events related to your niche.

3. Prepare equipment and personnel

Video quality is paramount to attracting and retaining viewers’ attention — especially when it comes to marketing video production. Set aside a reasonable budget to purchase or rent professional equipment, including cameras, lighting, and sound, as well as video editing and computer graphics software. You’ll likely need to hire scriptwriting and video production specialists or hire a video production studio.

4. Engage in optimization

Don't forget to optimize the YouTube channel to increase the number of views and reach of your content. To achieve this, you need to come up with capacious and attractive titles, descriptions, and subtitles for videos, and also place in them key phrases relevant to your niche. Specialized services such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs will help with the selection of the latter. It would be a good idea to add links to your website and social networks in the descriptions of the videos. Optimizing the video will not only strengthen its position in search, but also provide an increase in organic traffic to your site and improve its SEO indicators.

5. Experiment with formats

Don't be afraid to record and publish different content formats, monitoring the reaction of viewers. This is especially true for developing channels that can freely experiment with many trends and directions without fear of losing the audience they have built up over the years. Diversity adds originality to videos and maintains user interest. Think about what formats will be interesting and informative for your target audience: for example, product reviews, guides, vlogs, live broadcasts, storytelling, interviews, etc.

Collaborating with Influencers and Bloggers

Collaboration with influencers and bloggers is one of the key methods of promotion on YouTube for business. Before launching a campaign, you should define numerous important criteria. Firstly, what will be the goal of your collaboration — YouTube channel or product promotion, increasing brand awareness, increasing sales in general, or reaching a new audience? Next, choosing the right opinion leader is significant, as they should match the theme, values, and target audience of your brand. You need to select bloggers with a suitable niche and content style, and then work with them to prepare a campaign strategy.

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The most popular formats of YouTube collaborations between businesses and influencers are:

  • Sponsored content. A blogger creates and posts a video on their channel that demonstrates the benefits of the promoted brand and its products.
  • Giveaway. The blogger invites their audience to participate in a prize draw by performing certain actions to promote the brand (subscribing to a channel or other social networks, likes, comments, etc.) and receiving products as a gift.
  • Product reviews: Another common format of video marketing for sales involving influencers is that the advertiser sends them products, and they create and post video reviews.
  • Brand representation. Many brands seek to build long-term relationships with famous bloggers and appoint them as their ambassadors. In this format, the influencer regularly promotes the brand's products or services and participates in its advertising campaigns.

Using YouTube Ads to Boost Sales

YouTube Ads is a native video hosting tool that helps advertisers broadcast marketing video content to their target audience. It supports various formats for publishing commercials, the most popular of which are:

  • Bumper ads — short 6-second video inserts that appear at the beginning, middle or end of videos being viewed and cannot be skipped. They are paid on a CPM model (cost per mille).
  • Pre-roll ads — videos lasting from 15 to 20 seconds, for which payment is charged according to the PPC model (pay-per-click).
  • TrueView ads — the longest advertising format on YouTube, lasting from 12 seconds to 3 minutes, and can be “skipped” by the user after the first 5 seconds of viewing. Includes two types of videos (InStream and Video Discovery), each of which is paid for using the PPC model (pay-per-click).

To run an effective YouTube advertising campaign, follow these guidelines:

  • Capture your audience's attention. When creating a commercial, use AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) or another common marketing principle to grab the attention of viewers from the first seconds.
  • Don’t forget about the CTA. A compelling call to action is the key to the success of any video ad. It creates momentum that encourages an interested viewer to start interacting with your brand.
  • Choose the optimal format. Think about the optimal format for placing your commercials. You can combine and test different formats, selecting the most effective ones.
  • Track metrics. Constantly monitor the performance of your campaigns and individual videos. YouTube Ads includes powerful analytics tools that provide insights into views, clicks, skips, and other data.

Integrating YouTube with Other Sales Channels

YouTube and other sales channels

If you want to use your YouTube channel for sales most effectively, don’t miss the opportunity to integrate it with other sales channels. Follow these recommendations to achieve the best result:

  • Post the video on other social networks. Your content should be seen by the widest possible audience, so you need to distribute it across all platforms that support this format. You can publish the video in full on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, and also post a shortened version via Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.
  • Share the channel link. Take care of promoting your YouTube channel — add a link to the channel on your website and brand/product pages on all available social networks. This is a great way to increase the number of active viewers.
  • Use mailings. If you regularly send out mailings to your customer base via email or messengers, don’t miss the opportunity to embed an advertising video in the letter/message. At least place a link to a new video, decorating it with an attractive picture.
  • Don't forget about the blog. Another suitable way to promote video content is to place links and short descriptions of videos in blog articles or news in the relevant section of your website, as well as in the news feed in the social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)


YouTube is not only a mega-popular entertainment platform, but also an extremely effective tool for promoting brands and their products. Creating and posting videos on YouTube for marketing helps companies attract the attention of potential customers, increase sales and develop new markets. The giant traffic of this video hosting and its popularity in 100+ countries around the world allows you to advertise a wide variety of products and services to literally any target audience.


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