
Our position regarding work with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus

Reading time: ~2 min

In February 2022, we disabled 90% of integrations with services whose roots come from the Russian Federation or Belarus, disabled registration and blocked the acceptance of payments from users of the Russian Federation and Belarus.

In June 2022, we closed access to our site and personal accounts to all users who move from the IP of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, removed the site from the Yandex search engine.

Why didn't we turn off 100% integration right away?

Because we could not disconnect working businesses from Ukraine, which needed time to transfer data to other systems.

When will the shutdown be complete?

In November 2023, we disabled the last systems from which it was difficult and time-consuming to transfer data, these are CRM systems and Site Builders (Bitrix24, AmoCRM, MySklad, Get Course, InSales, Tilda, Retail CRM, Yclients), which were used by many Ukrainian businesses before the war .

What do we do with customers who try to register through VPN or pay with foreign cards through impersonators?

According to our terms of use of the service from February 2022, we unilaterally block the accounts of anyone who works with clients or data from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, without the possibility of appeal or refund. The payment is transferred to the needs of the Armed Forces.

How do we inform customers about war?

In the most prominent place (site header), we display a message about military operations with an appeal to keep silent. Also in the personal account on the payment page. This message will remain on the site until Ukraine ends the war with its victory and the return of temporarily occupied territories.

Why are negative reviews written about us and who is doing it?

Clients from anywhere in the world who continued to work with companies from the Russian Federation and Belarus or transfer data are dissatisfied with our decision to block their accounts.

Our position on this issue is clear and public - we do not negotiate with those who support military actions and violate the terms of use of our service.

Despite everything, we kept the whole team, we work, develop and continue to pay taxes in Ukraine every month.