
Who Is Internet Marketer And How To Become This Specialist?

Andrew Andreev
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~8 min

In our article, we will tell you what this specialist does, what skills and job responsibilities are required from him. You will also learn what personal qualities are useful for an Internet marketer, how to learn this profession and what areas of activity it has.

1. Internet marketer - who is it?
2. What are the responsibilities of an internet marketer?
3. What knowledge and skills does an Internet marketer need?
4. How to become an internet marketer?
5. Conclusion


Nowadays, almost any companies and brands actively advertise and sell their goods and services not only offline, but also online. The intensive growth of the field of e-commerce led to the emergence and rapid development of a new promising profession of Internet marketing. It is considered one of the most popular in the field of e-commerce, since competent integrated promotion on the Internet is a key success factor for any modern business.

Internet marketer - who is it?

An Internet marketer is a digital marketing specialist who promotes companies, brands and their products in the online environment. It helps to form a loyal audience, attract customers and increase sales through the Internet.

The tasks of an Internet marketer largely overlap with other modern digital professions, including SMM specialists, targetologists, copywriters, designers, content managers, traffic managers, etc. At the same time, he is far from always being a “universal soldier”, but instead, he carries out general management and coordination of all processes for promoting the company on the Internet.

Thus, an experienced Internet marketer is more of a manager than an ordinary performer. He can delegate routine tasks to subordinates, leaving himself the development and adjustment of a marketing strategy, market research, monitoring and control of campaign results, etc.

But beginners often have to work on several fronts in order to gain experience. They also have the option of outsourcing some tasks to freelance marketers (or other remote professionals), but this solution has its own pitfalls. It is possible that the duties of an Internet marketer may overlap with affiliate marketing on Amazon, where a service like Amzwatcher is indispensable.

The tasks of an Internet marketer largely overlap with other modern digital professions.

In general, an Internet marketer is responsible not only for attracting leads and promoting certain products or services, but also for creating and strengthening a positive brand reputation, as well as building a loyal audience. Experts recommend that beginners choose a specific specialization or several (for example, SEO, contextual advertising, etc.) and actively master this area. An experienced marketer can generally move away from the daily tasks of promotion, focusing on the duties of a manager and visionary.

What are the responsibilities of an internet marketer?

Job responsibilities of an Internet marketer include a fairly wide range of tasks, among which are the following:

  • Carrying out marketing research of the market and other aspects necessary for the further promotion of the brand (product features, niches, competitor analysis, etc.).
  • Analysis of the target audience and demand for the product, segmentation of potential customers by relevant parameters (gender, age, location, social status, etc.), tools utilization like Segment alternatives to your advantage (Rudderstack, Simon Data, mParticle, etc.), development of a portrait of a typical buyer (interests, goals, pains, desires, triggers, how they make a purchase decision, etc.).
  • Development of a company promotion strategy on the Internet, creation of a brand positioning model. Selection and evaluation of relevant promotion channels, preparation of advertising campaigns for each of them.
  • Media planning - drawing up a detailed plan for an advertising campaign indicating the expected timing of its implementation, selected communication channels, targeting features of the target audience. Also, this task often includes budgeting (drafting, adoption and control of budget spending) and forecasting the expected results of the AC.
  • Setting up advertising campaigns, which include contextual and teaser advertising, retargeting, CPC, CPA, etc.
  • Promotion in social networks, which can include almost all the main duties of an SMM manager: creating communities in popular social networks and filling them with content, conducting SMM activities to attract target audience and replenish the subscriber base, interacting with the audience, collaborating with bloggers and opinion leaders, etc.
  • Preparation and implementation of mass and narrowly targeted mailings via e-mail, SMS, social networks and instant messengers.
  • Lead generation - attracting new potential customers to add to the database of their contact information. The most effective ways to stimulate the influx of leads are contextual and targeted advertising, as well as SEO-promotion of sites.
  • A comprehensive audit of the site, including indicators of its attendance, conversion, the effectiveness of advertising materials used and promotion methods. Based on the results of the audit, an Internet marketing specialist finds existing shortcomings and corrects them or delegates this work to subordinates/colleagues/freelancers.
  • Monitoring trends that are relevant for the company and its products, searching for promising ideas for promotion in the field of Internet marketing.
  • Interaction with full-time and freelance digital specialists: setting tasks and drafting TOR for designers, copywriters, content managers, SMM managers, SEO optimizers, layout designers, programmers, etc. Monitoring the performance of their work and evaluation of the results.

What knowledge and skills does an Internet marketer need?

An Internet marketing specialist requires a very wide range of knowledge and skills, among which are:

  • Ability to analyze and work with numbers. In the process of work, an Internet marketer has to analyze various parameters and metrics: competitors, target audience, SEO indicators, Google Analytics data, social network statistics, etc. It is generally accepted that creative thinking is the most important thing for the Internet marketer profession. Of course, it is also important, but most of the daily duties of this specialist are associated with scrupulous routine work with numbers, which requires perseverance and attentiveness. The effectiveness of Internet marketing services largely depends on the analytical skills of a specialist.
  • Flexibility of thinking and ability for self-education. This skill will be very useful not only for Internet marketers, but also for many other digital professionals. As you know, online marketing is one of the most dynamically developing areas, so in order to succeed in it, you need to constantly learn and master new trends. Equally important is the ability to admit one's mistakes and adapt to new conditions, strategies or concepts.
  • Knowledge of psychology. To master the profession of a marketer (both online and offline), knowledge of psychology at least at the initial level will be very useful for you. To create effective advertising campaigns, you need to know and understand the client: his personality, desires, fears, doubts, pains, goals and other factors. In addition to drawing up a portrait of a typical buyer, an Internet marketer forms a portrait of the target audience, analyzes feedback and communicates with a large number of people (clients, colleagues, freelancers, bloggers, etc.), which also requires certain psychological skills, as well as communication skills.
  • Creativity. Professional Internet marketing services necessarily include a number of tasks for creative thinking. A marketer must create original content and prepare advertising/marketing activities based on current trends. To do this, he needs to be able to generate fresh ideas and draw inspiration from different sources, track new niches, study the market and monitor competitors' advertising campaigns.

How to become an internet marketer?

According to a recent study by statista.com, the global internet marketing market is worth over $450 billion in 2021. The rapid growth of the industry has caused an increase in demand for Internet marketing services, which makes this profession extremely in demand these days.

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Since the profession of “internet marketer” is quite new, then a higher education is not as important for it as for traditional “offline” marketing. However, knowledge of the classic marketing basics will not interfere at all, but, on the contrary, will become a useful tool for the professional growth of young professionals. Many online marketers do not have a specialized education, but go into this promising area with diplomas of various humanitarian specialties: sociology, journalism, advertising, PR, etc.

The profession of “internet marketer” is fairly new.

A much more important success factor in this area is continuous self-development and self-education. Regardless of whether you are already working in the field of Internet marketing or just about to master this profession. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly process and assimilate a large amount of information in different areas of the IT and digital fields. Internet marketing is not only a very popular, but also the most dynamic area. This means that recently useful knowledge, skills and trends are quickly losing their relevance, and they are being replaced by something new. That is why flexibility of mind and the ability to quickly adapt to new things are so important for success in this industry.

We can also give the following recommendations to those wishing to learn the profession of an Internet marketer:

  • The most effective way to train Internet marketers today is specialized courses. Among them are training programs for beginners and experienced marketers or entrepreneurs with different formats of classes: online or offline. The course program combines theory and practice, where you can learn how to develop a marketing strategy, analyze competitors, choose promotion methods, design landing pages, optimize and promote websites, set up targeted advertising, etc. It would be useful to periodically undergo specialized trainings for advanced training: certificates of completion of courses and trainings are highly valued by employers.
  • In addition, for the professional development of a specialist, it is very important to constantly follow the news and current trends in Internet marketing. For these purposes, various sources of information will be useful: blogs, articles, books, videos, podcasts, webinars and video conferences. As with other IT/digital professions, a good level of foreign languages is essential for online marketing. It will help you find and process information from foreign sources, tracking the latest trends as soon as they appear.
  • It would be useful to find a mentor - an experienced practicing Internet marketer who would pass on his experience and knowledge to you. In a better position here are full-time online marketers working in large companies. They can actively learn from their peers and management. As for novice freelance marketers, they can be advised to intensively develop a portfolio of cases and take on any available projects.


An Internet marketer is a digital specialist who is engaged in the complex promotion of a business online. His areas of expertise include developing marketing strategies, market research, competitor and target audience analysis, lead generation, SEO and SMM, building brand reputation and customer loyalty.

An Internet marketer can either prepare and conduct advertising campaigns on his own or delegate tasks to other specialists, leaving the overall management and control of results on himself. Important skills for this specialist are the ability to analyze and work with numbers, the flexibility of thinking and the ability to self-educate, as well as creativity and knowledge of psychology.


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