
Business Success and Importance of Time Management

Serhii Ostrovskyi
Editor in Chief at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~6 min

Time management is a key factor in making a project successful. Effective time management planning enables an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. For example, if an organization is not able to know what is the ROI (Return on investment) then it is difficult to survive in the marketplace. The time duration calculator provides a simple timeline for managing business goals and objectives. Being an entrepreneur, it is quite necessary to know the time span for the investment. For capacity generation of the resources, it is essential to become efficient in the resource allocation.

1. What is the Primary Management Goal?
2. The Management Process Phases
3. Planning Phase
4. Organizing Phase
5. Leading Stage
6. Controlling Stage
7. Conclusion

When a business is not able to establish the timeline of break-even analysis, then it is almost difficult to achieve the targets as being an entrepreneur not able to plan a timeline for the investment. This is even essential before doing the investment in any project. The duration between two milestones and the investment required for a specific project are essential to estimate. Businesses do require the thorough management of the timeline of investment and their break-even analysis time frame. A business can be at the brink of failure when it is not able to draw a framework for its goals and objectives. 

In the article below, evaluating the various activities which are necessary to become a successful business.

What is the Primary Management Goal?

Management goal

The primary goal of the management is to plan how to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. The main purpose of the management is to achieve a goal without using too many resources. 

When a business is able to create a timeline for the ROI and Break Even Point, then it is possible to know the time frame of productivity. Business is all about the planning and allocating resources to nurture the investment. The time difference calculator assists in managing your tasks and duties. Being a manager, it is difficult to assign tasks without knowing the timeline of their investments.

Being a manager, you are going to pay for each of your decisions. It is quite essential to know exactly the time frame for nursing the investment. The productivity of the organization depends on the effective planning of the organization.

The Management Process Phases

“Management is a process which has four phases: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling and allocating resources for these phases. The resources do include the Financial, Informational, Human and Operational resources”. The timeline for each phase should be drawn to become efficient to reduce the ROI and Break Even Point.

When a business is able to recognize the importance of all the phases of the management process. Then it is possible to increase productivity and revenue generation of the organization. Being a manager, it is essential to know the various stages of the management and allocate the resources accordingly. Online tools like time duration calculators are good resources to know the exact timeline to each stage. 

The phases of the management process are:

  • Planning 
  • Organizing
  • Leading 
  • Controlling

The time duration calculator assists to distinguish between the four phases of the management. It becomes easy to know the time frame of each phase, for example, the planning phase starts before actually investing in a business. It is necessary to know the exact time frame of the planning phase. 

Planning Phase

Planning is one of the most crucial phases of business management. In the initial stages, assessment can be challenging, making planning critical for business success. A businessman should try to forecast what would be the result of its investment after a certain period of time. The time to time calculator makes it possible to know what is the exact time required to cross the break even point and the ROI of the investment. Once it is possible to predict the break even point and the ROI, then it is easy to plan.

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There are various purposes of the planning the strategies for a business:

  • Define what are goals and objective of the organization and how to achieve them.
  • Devise a strategy to cross the break even points and allocate the resource in advance.
  • Generate a time frame when you are going to cross the break even point.
  • What is the expected ROI on the investments and their timeline regarding the competitive marketplace.
  • Focus on building a team which is capable of meeting the organizational goals and objectives.

Organizing Phase

The organizing phase is the second phase of the management process, where a manager has to allocate resources for each project and identify the productivity of the resources. The time duration calculator can be used to draw the timeline of the organizing phase. You can say each stage of the management is overlapping each other, but the organizing phase is also crucial for the success of the business. 

Once able to identify the allocation of the resources, then it is the skill of the management to know the allocation of the resources. The organizing stage is generating the human and informational resources for the organization. The productivity is the using the minimum resources to accomplish the organization's goals and objectives. For capacity generation of the resources, it is essential to become efficient in the resource allocation.

There are various purposes of the organizing the strategies for a business:

  • Work for the synergy of the team and coherence in the organization team structure. 
  • Make sure the productivity of the organization should be consistent over a period of time.
  • Generate alternative for each contingency problem and what is their possible outcome.
  • Focus on the marketplace and a thorough SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses and Opportunities and Threats) analysis.
  • Allocate resources for each set of activities and define specific roles for each member of the team.

Leading Stage

In the leading stage, the manager actually comes at the forefront and leads the organization. The leading phase does include correcting the activities of the employees and making them productive for the success of the business. The online resources like the time duration calculator are another tool to draw the timeline of the management process. 

An organization able to cross the break even point as soon as possible is able to increase in the longer run. At the start of a business, mostly every organization faces the challenge of the break even point. Usually, the first 6 months are most critical in this regard, and most of the organization actually fail to survive after the 6 months. 

This has been seen in the case of the SMEs as such organizations not done enough planning to become successful in the competitive marketing environment. The leading phase is the actual role of the managers, this can be done only by generating alternatives and motivating the other team players.

There are various purposes of the leading the strategies for a business:

  • The motivation of the team members and their possible reaction in a certain situation.
  • Define various problems solving techniques to make the work smooth during a situation of emergency.
  • How to cater to various problems and their possible outcomes.
  • Generate attentive to know how to react in the special conditions.

Controlling Stage

Controlling is the last phase of the management process. In the organizing phase, a manager communicates with the employees and peers to establish the organization's goals. The Mentoring stage is actually streamlining the business activities to gather maximum profitability. It is not easy to achieve the target, so managers need to oversee each activity for the employees. Drawing alternatives to achieve organizational goals is the mentoring phase. Employees are always seeking help from the side of managers to solve a problem. Streamlining resources according to capacity is essential, as the organization's operational activities are complex.

There are various purposes of the controlling the strategies for a business:

  • To streamline the workforce to focus on achieving the target and goals.
  • Generate the process of evaluating the performance of the employees and their remuneration.
  • Monitor the performance of the employees on the same matrix and performance criteria.


Time management is the key to making a business successful, and it is essential to elaborate the timeline of various stages of the management process. Once you are able to draw the timeline of the various management activities like planning, organizing, leading and controlling, then it is possible to increase the productivity and performance of the organization. For starters, the time duration calculator provides a simple way to conclude the timeline of various activities. It would make sure what are your inputs and output. A starter up needs to cross the break even point to cater its investments.


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