
New Business Opportunities with Instagram DMs

Elizaveta Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Instagram has always provided a lot of opportunities for sales, but DMs will radically change and improve the conduct of business through a social network.

Every day Instagram attracts more and more new users and, accordingly, more and more buyers. The application is constantly updated and creates new features that help companies monetize their product. Instagram will provide a new feature that will allow potential buyers to purchase from people representing businesses via direct messages.

In order to work with the innovation and receive the status of a qualified account, a business will need to provide information about itself. For example, address, legal name, phone number and other data.

After checking all the data, the manager can sell services or products to users via chat. After the buyer has joined the business page, he has the opportunity to send a message with a request to purchase the product. Then a request for payment is sent, and the goods can be purchased. Payments can be made using MetaPay, which makes them completely secure. The whole process runs smoothly and transparently.

Many studies show the importance of fast service delivery. Without a long search on the site and reading tons of boring information. Selling directly through your favorite social network is perhaps the next step for companies that want to sell their product effectively.

Instagram continues to take steps to improve e-commerce. For example, a new system for digital payment for goods should be deployed already now. Which, combined with DM, should give a powerful boost to the industry.