
Google Ads will Stand Out More

Elizaveta Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Google is innovating in the design of search ads. They will receive new visual "markers", with an emphasis on the company name and logo.

Google has released an update to improve search ads. The “advertising” label will soon disappear from them, and the name of the company and its logo will appear instead. Purpose is to make them stand out from other search results.

Previously, the search ad design looked like this: at the top was the URL of the landing page, and below it was the title of the ad itself. The introduction of innovation will not eliminate these components, but will add to them the name of the company, which will be on top, above them. This can be beneficial if the company uses the same keywords as its competitors. It will be easier for search engines to determine which company's website a visitor comes to when clicking on such an ad.

In addition to the company name, Google will also display its logo in the search ad. Adding this element also helps search engines by distinguishing ads more from regular search results.

We will no longer see "Advertising" marks. Instead, Google will put the "Sponsored" tag. The word will appear as a separate line at the top left of the search ad.

If for some reason Google is unable to put the name of the company in the ad, the domain from the URL will be displayed instead. If the company does not have a logo, it will be replaced by an icon with a blue globe. The update will be deployed automatically. Advertisers will be notified of this through their personal Google Ads account.