
Virtual Event 30 Jun 2022: Future of Investment Management for Businesses


Virtual Event, Online


JUNE 30, 2022 

Investment management has long been a vital component of modern business practises; this field, which focuses on meeting investment goals for clients’ financial holdings also extends to important facets such as pension and retirement funds and policies, governmental and educational institutions, and insurance holdings. With everything from asset allocation to existing investment regulation to portfolio strategy, investment management is a key business field that is soon set to sail with the growing waves of digital innovation in modern businesses.

Present day investment management holds strong stock in professional and thorough analysis, focussing on both outperforming the market while protecting one’s portfolio. The future of this business aspect seeks to cut out immense fees and fluctuations with the implementation of digital and active assets. What this essentially entails is that investment management services will slowly shift from analysis off correlation and prediction models, to data analysis using automating assets like AI and social media driven algorithms.

With the presence of upcoming firms and organisations like RobinHood and SoFi slowly integrating into Millennial and even Gen Z financial culture, investment management is taking turns towards external regulatory boards, systematic diligence and oversight, and risk management based off leading and present indicators. 

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