
Lviv Direction QADay 2023

On July 15, the offline event Lviv Direction QADay 2023 (test management) will take place.

The event is dedicated to software quality management.

The event will feature 5 experienced speakers who will talk about their best practices in the field of test management. The event will feature presentations from the speakers and lively discussions aimed at sharing experiences, learning best practices, and improving testing processes.

We look forward to seeing you there:

  •  Coffee break.
  •  Photo report
  •  Presentations of the reports
  •  Videos of the presentations
  •  Video from the previous conference Online QADay 2023 (March 25)

When: July 15

Where: RIUS Hotel, 12A Akademika Hnatyuka Street, Lviv, 79007, Ukraine

More details on the website: https://qaday.org/lviv-direction-qaday-2023-test-management/