RSS (Really simply syndication) is a data storage format designed to organize news feeds from different sites in one stream.
The RSS format allows you to collect and organize information from different sources, and then provide it to subscribers in the format of a single feed through special programs, applications or online services.
The main RSS tool is a file in .RSS or .XML format, which, on the one hand, is connected to the content donor site (news resource, blog, etc.), and on the other hand, is added by subscribers to their news feeds. Thus, they subscribe to updates of the resources they have chosen and, when any new content appears, they receive an announcement with a link in their RSS reader or in the form of an e-mail newsletter.
What is RSS for?
RSS is a very useful content aggregator tool for those who want to quickly keep track of updates from different Internet sites in one place. Modern programs and services allow you to flexibly customize your RSS feed by distributing selected subscriptions into various categories and subsections.

An important advantage of the RSS format is that it is free for both content providers and consumers. This technology was developed and introduced in 1997, today the current version is RSS 2.0. In addition to desktop, mobile RSS aggregators and online services, almost all modern Internet browsers support this feature: Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.
Each site can maintain an unlimited number of RSS feeds: for different thematic categories, etc. After the news is published, information about this is sent to the reader or mail to all subscribers of this channel. Information is displayed in the feed as an announcement with a brief preview, including the name of the news/article, a link to its full version, image and description. RSS allows you to quickly receive concentrated content from different sources with instant notifications, traffic savings, no ads and other benefits.
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