
5 Ways To Trim Your Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

Sergej Ostrovskij
Editor in Chief at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~6 min

Are you dealing with a high rate of abandoned carts in your e-commerce store? Don't fret – you’re not alone. Shopping cart abandonment is a major issue for online retailers today, and an estimated 70% of shoppers leave their carts behind before completing the checkout process. But don’t worry: there are proven strategies to reduce shopping cart abandonment and boost sales. In this blog post, we break down 5 effective tactics that can help you combat shopping cart abandonment rates and increase customer conversion throughout the entire checkout journey.

1. What is Cart Abandonment?
2. Why do Customers don't Complete Their Orders?
3. 5 Effective Ways to Reduce the Cart Abandonment Rate
4. Conclusion

What is Cart Abandonment?

Cart abandonment remains a prevalent challenge for numerous e-commerce entities and vendors. Such a phenomenon transpires when potential buyers add merchandise to their shopping carts but do not finalize the transaction.

Such behavior can profoundly impede sales and revenue, necessitating that online merchants devise strategies to diminish cart abandonment rates. The fundamental reason for abandonment often lies in a lack of sufficient incentive or immediacy for customers to finalize their purchases. They might be exploring more product details, seeking alternative payment options, or comparing various brands before settling on an optimal choice.

Moreover, diminished trust in a company can be a significant contributor to cart abandonment. Buyers require affirmation that a site is shielded from external hazards and malicious attacks. This assurance fosters customer faith in business operations and payment functionalities, facilitating smooth checkouts and, subsequently, enhancing overall sales and profit margins for retail proprietors.

Last but not least, insufficient product information, such as detailed descriptions or testimonials from “vocal” customers, can lead to potential buyers exiting before concluding their orders. The scenario escalates the percentage of abandoned carts, severely undercutting the store’s aggregate net profit.

Why do Customers don't Complete Their Orders?

Cart Abandonment

Lack of Urgency

Shoppers frequently enter a cycle of delay, which fosters indecision and postpones their acquisition choices. To make matters worse, the absence of an inherent sense of urgency on your platform may breed reluctance, making customers wonder about the immediacy of the acquisition as opposed to continuing their browsing. In some instances, consumers might face distractions or indifference, adding another dimension to the challenge.

No Trust in Your Business

Building trust with your customers is a fundamental aspect of reducing cart abandonment and increasing conversion rates. Customers look for security, transparency, and assurance from online retailers before they can complete their purchases. If they don’t feel that sense of trust, it becomes more likely that they’ll abandon their shopping carts.

Not Enough Product Information

One of the primary causes of incomplete orders for e-commerce businesses is a lack of adequate product information. Customers may abandon their carts if they don’t find enough information to make an informed purchase decision. Long descriptions can be daunting, so break up that text into key points and add visuals where possible! Including high-quality images and videos helps customers visualize the item better, reducing doubts or questions about potential purchases.

5 Effective Ways to Reduce the Cart Abandonment Rate

If you want to mitigate issues that plague the whole industry, we’ll show you here are five effective ways to reduce the cart abandonment rate:

Adopt Crypto Payments

As e-commerce owners, you must make sure that customers feel confident and secure when making a purchase online. Adding a crypto widget to accept Bitcoin and other crypto transactions can have a miraculous effect.

Some storefront owners still doubt crypto. But, honestly – you can give customers the reassurance they need that their transactions are safe and secure – something essential for successful e-commerce operations. Therefore, while assuring trust for customers, implementing crypto payments also has the potential to increase revenue through wider reach too!

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Many businesses have seen positive results after adding cryptocurrencies to their list of accepted payments. Therefore, if you adopt digital payments including but not limited to Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), or Bitcoin Cash (BCH), your business could also benefit in similar ways.

Use Remarketing

Remarketing and retargeting are two strategies that can be implemented to reduce cart abandonment rates for e-commerce stores. It is a form of targeted online advertising that helps businesses reconnect with potential customers who have previously visited their site, but did not complete an order.

Remarketing makes it possible for businesses to remind shoppers what they left behind in the shopping cart and get them back on track. The technique allows marketers to target lost shoppers during future visits and across many different platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads or YouTube Ads. Once these prospective customers receive personalized ads from your business about the items they already checked out, chances of purchase increases exponentially!

Not only does remarketing help reengage with potential buyers, but it is also inexpensive compared to other methods of advertising, such as paid search, display, or traditional media campaigns since you're targeting audiences who are already familiar with your brand or products.

Efficient use of tactical techniques such as dynamic retargeting using segmentation are also key factors in making sure remarketing efforts pay off for businesses in boosting conversions.

Offer Free Shipping

Shipping costs can be a dealbreaker for many online shoppers. Research shows that when customers are presented with unexpected extra charges at checkout, they tend to abandon their carts or refuse to buy altogether.

Offering free shipping is one of the most reliable methods for reducing shopping cart abandonment rates. By removing shipping fees from the purchase process, you’re removing a major stumbling block and giving customers an incentive to complete their purchases.

What’s more, offering free shipping helps maximize customer satisfaction by ensuring that prices remain transparent during the buying journey. 

Use Limited-time Promotions

As e-commerce business owners, it's important to know the best strategies for reducing shopping cart abandonment rates. One of these strategies is using limited-time promotions. Limited-time promotions are incredibly effective at creating a sense of urgency with customers and encouraging them to take action immediately.

Offering discounts or deals that expire accelerates customer decisions, pushing them further down your sales funnel and helping them complete their purchase.

These promotional time constraints help overcome any hesitations or objections customers may have by giving them an ultimatum – do I want this product enough to buy it now? Limited-time offers also drive conversion by making shoppers think twice about procrastinating on the purchase decision until later – they don't want to miss out on getting an unbeatable deal! 

Provide Guest Checkout Options

Offering guest checkout options is among the most effective methods to reduce cart abandonment. It simplifies and expedites the purchase process by eliminating login requirements. This increases trust in your business, as buyers are more likely to complete their orders when they know that their sensitive information won’t be stored with you.

Guest checkout also reduces friction for potential customers who may not have an interest in creating a full-fledged account right away, while improving user experience throughout the checkout process.


Converting visitors into paying customers is indeed a challenging feat. However, if you adopt a more welcoming and generous approach with clients can yield significant dividends. If you offer more flexibility and value, your business can foster customer loyalty and satisfaction and ensure not only a single transaction but also the potential for repeat business and positive word-of-mouth, which can take you to cloud nine!


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