

Olga Golubova
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

A DDoS attack is a specially directed, powerful traffic flow in the form of chaotic requests to a specific Internet resource so that it stops working as a result of the attack.

As a rule, such actions are carried out by a network of computers that are controlled by hackers remotely. Their number is unlimited: hundreds of thousands, millions, it all depends on the capacity of the server. As many PCs are involved as required so that the server does not stand up and "lay down".

What is a DDoS attack based on?

Hackers, organizing a DDoS attack, create an artificial flow of requests to the site and direct large amounts of traffic to it. As a result, the load on the equipment is growing rapidly. Due to the fact that the number of simultaneously processed requests is limited, at some stage the infrastructure ceases to function normally: the Internet resource starts to load very slowly or even stops working. The target of the attack has been reached.

By the way, this happens even without a hacker attack, for example, online stores, unable to withstand the influx of customers during discounts and sales, may stop working.

Most often DDoS attacks affect the websites of large companies, banks, delivery services, online retail platforms, instant messengers, social networks, websites of government agencies, and also state portals. As a rule, some time after the start of a DDoS attack, attackers begin to demand money for everything to stop.

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However, DDoS attacks can be carried out not only for the purpose of blackmail, it can be a fight against competitors - an attack is ordered to harm a business: inflict financial, reputational losses, achieve a transfer of customers to another site. Also, such attacks are used as a distraction in order to steal important or secret information from the company or introduce various viruses into the system at this time.

The main signs by which you can understand that the site has undergone a DDoS attack:

  • the server software began to work incorrectly, for example, freeze, spontaneously disconnect the connection;
  • maximum load is observed on different components of the server hardware;
  • a large number of identical actions occurring at the same time.

The consequences of attacks can be damage to equipment that could not withstand the load, shutdown of the site by the DATA center, loss of clients. Such an attack is a strong blow to business, especially in the eCommerce area, where the main damage from DDoS is financial. The site is “down”, customers do not make purchases, and the money for advertising and its promotion has already been spent, the reputation is deteriorating, the Internet resource is lowered in search results, etc.


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