
Zendesk Will Give Users More Control Over Chatbots

Vadym Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Zendesk platform will allow users to customize chatbot interactions with customers using a low-code approach.

Zendesk, a company that provides business users with a range of SaaS customer support services, has announced a number of new chatbot management tools. The update improves the efficiency of support services and customer service systems.

Now the Zendesk Answer Bot chatbot management interface will involve minimal coding, and settings will be carried out using the principle of dragging and dropping individual blocks of control commands. This streamlined and visualized interface is brought to Zendesk Answer Bot by integrating Zendesk's Flow Builder workflow platform tools into the service.

Thanks to the update, users will also be able to significantly complicate and diversify the behavior of chatbots. Instead of simply quoting a knowledge base, as was the case in the past, automated assistants will be able to build more complex conversations with customers according to a predetermined scenario. At the same time, it is emphasized that the user, whose duties will include setting up the work of chat bots, should not have programming skills, even a non-specialist can master the minimum knowledge of the code at the required level.