
TikTok Opens Professional Account Tools For Everyone

Elizaveta Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Users can upgrade their profiles to professional mode at will, without the need to apply, as was the case before.

The Twitter platform announced the expansion of the availability of professional profile tools for all accounts. If earlier, in order to make their profile professional, its owner had to submit an application and wait for its approval, now any account can be switched to professional mode independently from the settings at any time. To do this, just click on the Switch to Professional tab. Now absolutely all users of the social network around the world have this opportunity.

Thus, each user gets access to a number of specialized tools for business, united by the platform in the Twitter for Professionals section. Users will be able to distinguish their profile from the rest, receive tools for promotion, advanced options for launching advertising campaigns and newsletters, as well as a number of options for developing e-commerce activities.

Especially the new features will please store and brands owners who would like to develop their activities through Twitter. They will be able to create an analogue of a storefront in their profiles and show visitors of their page a selection of products right in their profile.