
The Creator of Stable Diffusion Released an AI Model for Turning Text into Video

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Startup Runway, which took part in the creation of the Stable Diffusion AI image generator, presented a new Gen-2 AI model that has the ability to turn text descriptions (for example, “horses running across the steppe”) into short 3-second videos. Unlike Stable Diffusion, it will not be open source. Representatives of the company argued this decision for security reasons and business features. The Gen-2 model will first be available to Discord users who sign up for a waiting list on the platform. This will happen within the next few weeks.

AI generating video from text is nothing new. At the end of 2022, Google and Meta Platforms Inc presented their research on AI models that can transform text into video. The uniqueness of the Gen-2 model created by Runway developers lies in its accessibility to users.

Runway co-founder and CEO Cristóbal Valenzuela expressed the hope that their product will be primarily useful to filmmakers and everyone who works with creatives. The potential of Gen-2 may well allow it to become a real breakthrough in the field of AI and open up new horizons for video content creators.