
Transitioning to an inducement free investment offering

In the light of EU Commissioner Mairead McGuinness’ recent comments on inducements for investment products it has become very likely that they will finally be banned across the EU in the near future.

Usually making up 20-50% of investment revenue streams, it is not surprising that banks have been fearing this step for years. While some banks have prepared this move for years, others have been waiting for clear regulations or the rest of the market to move. Nevertheless, the time has come that every bank now needs to actively work on transforming their revenue model for investment products.

In this webinar Max Biesenbach and Sonia King from Simon-Kucher will present their experience in transforming the revenue model from an inducement dependent to an inducement free revenue model. Specifically, they will answer the following questions:

  • What are best and worst practices across geographies?
  • How does the investment offering have to change to cater to needs of customer groups?
  • Which price models are accepted by clients? (Spoiler alert: a fixed fee per hour is not the solution)
  • How can smaller clients still be advised profitably?
  • How can common implementation and migration pitfalls be avoided?

The webinar will be held in English.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Registration via link.