
Mergermarket M&A Forum

The 5th Mergermarket M&A Forum Australia returns this year on 16 March 2023 in Sydney, bringing together leading corporate investors, private equity fund managers and M&A advisors for a day of exclusive networking and high-level insights into the Australian M&A deal landscape.Through a series of interactive panel discussions, presentations and case studies the event aims to provide the delegates with insights into the latest trends and opportunities available for those pursuing Australian M&A, and to navigate the dealmaking landscape amidst ongoing geopolitical and economic challenges.

2022 Forum Demographics

  • 430+ Delegates
  • 130+ Corporate Investors
  • 33 Speakers
  • 255+ Companies Represented

Benefits of attending include:

  • Local insights: Discover the themes and trends dominating Australian M&A in the next 12 months
  • Corporates: Hear top corporates and M&A experts discuss mid-market dealmaking, cross border M&A and FDI
  • Strategies: Learn about leading corporates and private equity professionals’ investment strategies and how this has shifted in the past year
  • Sectoral knowledge: Gain insights on the top sectors ranging from energy transition to digitalisation
  • Network: Connect with 400+ senior delegates including 130+ corporate investors and 30+ speakers from Australia and abroad

Registration via link.