
Intro Alternative Investing Funds 2023

The Catalyst Cap Intro Alternative Investing Funds 2023 is a pan-alternative asset classes and strategies event. The event is investor driven and transactional in scope, hosting investment managers and institutional grade investors that are introduced to each other with a view to become investment partners.

This Catalyst Cap Intro Event focuses on the Alternative Investing Funds space, with renewed ideas, anticipation and momentum for 2023. Strategies covered include: L/S equity & Long-only, Credit & Fixed income, Merger Arb, Event driven, Quant & Options, Currencies, Macro & CTAs, International/Global markets, Distressed & Deep-value, Commodities & Energy, and more. Managers typically offer their products through investment funds, but also SMAs or advisory features.

The event is live, in-person, where managers give presentations during lunch, followed by private meetings. The event concludes with a networking reception.

Participants are given access to a dedicated online Catalyst Event Portal, where the agenda, meetings schedule with contact info, participants list and other info are available. The event is exclusive with only around 30 participants in a controlled environment, with a 1:2 manager to investor ratio.

The introductions are arranged prior the events, in an investor driven fashion based on the merits of each investment manager and the requests made by the investors. There are no service providers, only managers and investors.

Investors are pre-screened and pre-qualified prior the events, by completing a COIN (Catalyst Online Investor Network) questionnaire. Investors constitute predominantly single and multi-family offices, allocator intermediaries, and end-investors, located in the US but also internationally.

This event production builds on Catalyst’s history and successful track record in putting together industry-recognized and effective capital raising events.

Registration via link.