
High Alpha Funds

The Catalyst Cap Intro: High Alpha Funds – Miami, Spring 2023 is an alternative strategies event focusing on managers showing high absolute returns. The event is investor driven and transactional in scope, hosting investment managers and institutional grade investors in a dynamic region which is seeing a lot of growth.

High Alpha Funds are characterized by employing innovative investment strategies by some of the smartest investment teams using best-in-class operational standards. Strategies covered include: CTA/Commodities, Quants & Options, Crypto & Blockchain, HFT, Real estate and RE debt, Emerging Markets, L/S Equity, Credit & Distressed and more. For investors the challenge continues to be a multi-narrative market, with lingering Covid effects, immense inflation pressures, and the Ukraine war dislocating markets.  A global slowdown or even recession may well also occur. All this means opportunities for savvy investment managers. 

The event is live, in-person, where managers give presentations during lunch, followed by private meetings. The event concludes with a Miami-styled networking reception.

Participants are given access to a dedicated online Catalyst Event Portal, with easy access to the agenda, meetings schedule and participants list with profile data. The event is exclusive with only around 30 participants, with a 1:2 manager to investor ratio.

The introductions are arranged prior the events, in an investor driven fashion based on the merits of each investment manager and the requests made by the investors. There are no service providers, only managers and investors.

Investors are pre-screened and pre-qualified prior the events, by completing a COIN (Catalyst Online Investor Network) questionnaire. Investors constitute predominantly single and multi-family offices, allocator intermediaries, and end-investors, located in the US but also internationally.

This event production builds on Catalyst’s history and successful track record in putting together industry-recognized and effective capital raising events.

Special Event Considerations: This is scheduled to be an in-person event. However, please see our event terms at registration for possible changes.



  • Get in-depth private meetings with active investors
  • Each event has a special strategy, industry or asset class focus, to increase the fit with the investors
  • Meetings are investor driven, with investors requesting to meet with managers
  • Fees are competitive and early registration is rewarded
  • If a manager does not get enough investor interest before an event, you may cancel and be partly refunded


  • Meet with managers in a certain sector or asset class in an extremely time efficient format
  • Benefit from getting introduced to managers that are institutional ready and alpha oriented
  • Attendance is complimentary, granted that you enroll in COIN and qualify as an investor
  • Review the short-listed managers before the event, and only select managers you like; no 'minimum set' of meetings necessary
  • Benefit from learning from fellow investors' questions and perspectives

Registration via link.