
E-commerce Tech Summit'23

Online conference for software engineers about latest tech trends in electronic commerce April 11-12, 2023.

  • 5000+ Registrations expected
  • 20+ Speakers expected
  • 24 Hours of Tech Talks

What event is about:

Payment Solutions

  • Authentication / Payer Authorization
  • Cash Stack / Check Payment / ACH / Wires / Cross-Border Payments

Major CMS updates

  • Voice commerce and virtual assistants
  • Create customer-centric search
  • AI and Pricing in Ecommerce


  • Scaling the infrastructure to handle large traffic
  • AI and Fraud Prevention in Ecommerce

API and Сonnectivity

  • Headless and API-driven eCommerce
  • SaaS Shopping Carts

Marketing and Customer Care solutions

  • Managing large and complex data sets in dynamic pricing
  • Building omnichannel consumer systems
  • Tracking the Entire Customer Journey


  • Designing the database and identifying the functionalities offered by the e-commerce platform
  • PIM Software for Data Management
  • How to Use Database Integration in eCommerce?

Cyber Security

  • Increasing Reliability on Advanced Blockchain Systems
  • E-skimming or Digital Skimming in E-commerce
  • Give green signal to HTTPS encryption
  • Securing the Shop Against Emerging Threats

Registration via link.