
Balkan Ecommerce Summit

The Balkan Ecommerce Summit will gather more than 450 ecommerce shop owners and service providers from over 10 Balkan countries on April 4 and 5. The conference offers two days of business networking, relationship building sessions and presentations on ecommerce trends, as well as Balkan markets overviews.

Represented markets:

Event attendees will be able to meet ecommerce professionals from Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Moldova.

Anyone interested in doing online sales to the mentioned markets will be able to meet local professionals and the best service providers.

Event organizer:

The conference is organized by eCommerce Academy, which holds the largest ecommerce community in Bulgaria. It has a large social media presence, a YouTube channel with over 300 professional videos, an audio podcast with over 24 episodes per year and two published books. It organizes the national eCommerce Awards and many different conferences and educational events.

Registration via link.