

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

Eye-tracking is a research technique and technology that measures an individual's eye movements, capturing information about where and how long a person looks at specific points of interest. This data is used to understand human behavior, cognition, and visual attention, with applications spanning various fields, including psychology, marketing, human-computer interaction, and medicine.

At the core of eye-tracking technology are devices known as eye-trackers, which use infrared light or cameras to record eye movements. The two primary methods of eye-tracking are remote (or screen-based) and head-mounted. Remote eye-trackers are typically positioned below a display, capturing eye movements as the participant looks at the screen. Head-mounted eye-trackers, on the other hand, are worn by the participant, enabling more mobility and tracking eye movements in real-world environments.

Eye-tracking data is analyzed using various metrics, such as fixation duration, saccades, and heatmaps. Fixation duration refers to the amount of time an individual's gaze remains on a specific point, while saccades are rapid eye movements between fixations. Heatmaps visually represent the aggregated gaze data, highlighting areas that receive the most attention.

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In psychology, eye-tracking is used to study cognitive processes, such as reading, language comprehension, and decision-making. In marketing and advertising, the technology helps assess consumer attention and behavior, providing insights into the effectiveness of advertisements, product packaging, and website design. In human-computer interaction, eye-tracking enables the development of more intuitive and accessible interfaces, allowing users to navigate and control devices using their gaze. Medical applications of eye-tracking include diagnosing and treating vision disorders, as well as monitoring neurological conditions, such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

In summary, eye-tracking is a powerful research tool and technology that offers valuable insights into human behavior and cognition. Its applications span diverse fields, enhancing our understanding of visual attention and contributing to the development of more effective products, interfaces, and treatments.


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