
Twitter is developing a new "Reply filter" option

Vadym Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Twitter is presenting itself as a platform with strict censorship rules. Let's take a look at the new filter and see if it can tighten up censorship or make communication more free.

The new feature will help to avoid embarrassing moments and unwanted attention, it can make the time spent in the app more enjoyable for those who are simply fed up with empty accounts sending unwanted responses.

There has been a lot of research that says that Twitter is currently developing a new "Reply Filter" option that will reduce the impact of tweets containing "potentially harmful or offensive language" as stated by Twitter.

This filter will prevent the user from seeing some people's replies, but others will still be able to view all replies to tweets. According to preliminary data, the system will not change its algorithms, but will continue to use the old ones that were used to warn about offensive responses. They themselves were re-launched in February last year, immediately after the US elections were held.

The new filter from Twitter will give you more control over your actions in the application and, as a result, improve your experience of the time spent on the social network.