
The Founders of the Leading IT Companies Ask for a Break in Building AI Power

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

An open letter titled "Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter" was published on the Future of Life Institute web page. The more than 1,100 people who have put their signatures under it are concerned about the unbridled race in the development, implementation and rapid increase in the power of artificial intelligence systems, the behavior of which we can not yet predict and keep under reliable control.

The authors of the letter are convinced that it is possible to increase the power of AI systems only when we begin to better understand their potential and gain firm confidence in the predominance of their advantages over disadvantages. They called on all existing AI research labs around the world to stop training systems that exceed GPT-4 for at least 6 months. In case of ignoring this request, the signatories recommended the governments of the countries to impose a temporary ban at the state level. The authors emphasize that they do not demand to curtail all work on artificial intelligence, but only ask to slow down the stunning speed with which the development and implementation of the latest completely unpredictable systems are being carried out today without full awareness of the further consequences.

Among the most famous people who signed the letter are Elon Musk (co-owner of OpenAI), Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Chris Larsen (co-founder of Ripple), Evan Sharp (co-founder of Pinterest) and Jaan Tallin (co-founder of Skype). Internet users who agree with them can add their signature, thus publicly expressing support.