
Questions for which we already have answers:
Is the service free?
- we have a free plan, but it's limited! You can familiarize yourself with the tariffs in detail on the main page of the site or in your personal account.
How long does it take to set up?
- one simple connection takes no more than 5 minutes
What happens if I don't renew my subscription?
- 5 days after the end of the paid subscription, we will disable all configured connections. As soon as you manage to pay, they will need to be included in your personal account!
I can't set it up, can you help?
Yes, we have such a service! For all customers (both on a paid and a free plan, our specialists will help you set up a connection)
What if the service I need is not on the list?
- we can individually add the required system. To find out more, just contact support
What if none of the tariffs suits me?
- contact support and our specialists will be able to help you
Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we have an affiliate program. Find out more at the link on the website.