
Click Rate

Vadym Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

Click-through-rate (CTR) is one of the key metrics used in online marketing.

It determines the ratio of the number of clicks (clicks to the landing page) to the number of views of the ads they clicked on. The indicator is calculated using the following formula: the number of clicks is divided by the number of views and multiplied by 100, the result is calculated as a percentage.

CTR is of great importance for assessing the effectiveness of various advertising campaigns on the Internet: be it natural search results, contextual advertising, social media targeting, mailing lists, newsletters the higher the click-through rate of an ad, the more effective it works and the more traffic it sends to the landing page.

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It is believed that the click-through rate of online advertising directly depends on factors such as ad text or a combination of text/image on banners, the presence of relevant search queries in title and text, a call to action, and a number of other techniques. No less important are targeting, audience geolocation, ad display time, ad placement on the page, interactivity of banners, etc.


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