
Affinity Index

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

Affinity Index is a quantitative marketing metric used to determine the level of interest or engagement a specific audience has with a brand, product, or service. It is a valuable tool for marketers to identify and target potential customers, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts. The index is calculated by comparing the proportion of a target group that interacts with a specific brand to the proportion of a general population that interacts with the same brand.

The Affinity Index is often expressed as a percentage or a ratio, with values above 100 indicating a higher affinity and values below 100 indicating a lower affinity. For example, if the Affinity Index for a brand among a target group is 120, it means that the target group is 20% more likely to engage with the brand compared to the general population. This data can be useful in guiding marketing strategies and allocating resources more effectively.

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