

Vadym Rudenko
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

ATL (Above The Line) - a set of measures taken to promote a product or service in the media.

ATL includes most advertising on the Internet, on radio, on television, in print, in crowded places, etc. This covers a wide variety of strata and groups of the population. Advertising activities that involve events such as giveaways, sponsorship events, tastings and guerrilla marketing are called the term BTL (Below The Line). Roughly speaking, ATL is a standard media advertising, while BTL refers to a variety of promotions, often of a creative nature and often carrying an indirect, veiled message.

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Recently, the opinion has been heard more and more often that the division of advertising into ATL and BTL is no longer relevant. And the winners are those companies that use a mixed approach to promote their products.


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