
Top 10 URL Shortening Services

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~10 min

Long URLs spanning multiple lines should be shortened. This recommendation is especially relevant for SMS, social networks and instant messengers, presentations and websites. Our article will introduce you to a dozen online services that will help you quickly and beautifully shorten a link.  

What the point of url shorteners
2. Bitly.com
3. Polr
4. Is.gd
5. Tiny URL
6. Cutt.us
7. Bl.ink
8. Rebrandly.com
9. Ow.ly
10. Wow.link
11. T1p.de
12. When not to shorten links
13. Summing up


What the point of URL shorteners

The most common and valid reasons for URLs shortening are:

  1. Saving. First of all, they try to shrink when writing posts for social networks, compiling texts for mailings via instant messengers and SMS. If a full-length link is replaced with a short one, this will significantly affect the length of the sent message and, accordingly, reduce the cost of mailing.
  2. Aesthetics. In Viber, where there are no severe restrictions on the number of characters entered, a compressed adapted link will look much more attractive than the original, which occupies 2-3 lines.
  3. Hiding parameters of UTM tags generated by marketers.
  4. Improving the perception of a block of text containing a link.
  5. Facilitation of memorization and further reproduction.
  6. Counting clicks on the link using the analytical tools of the service.
  7. A QR code with a short link looks much clearer and can be scanned at a small size, while a QR code with a long URL can only be scanned at a large size.


Cost: Free version, paid versions (Starter - $8 per month, Basic - $29 per month, Premium - $199 per month, Enterprise - price is discussed individually)


The Bitly service is considered one of the best and most sought after. Many people prefer it because it not only shortens the link, but also shows the statistics of the clicks made on it.

Before you start working, you need to register. If you already have a Google account, you can log in to the service through it. Shortening a link here is very easy: enter the URL that needs to be shortened in a special field, and you will instantly get a "shorty".

The Bitly browser extension allows you to generate a short link on any web page in just 1 click. You don't even have to enter its URL yourself. The shortened link is available for editing — this can be done in the user's personal account. Statistics are tracked there.

One of the advantages of Bitly is the generation of customized links, which are not a randomly generated set of characters, but a word (abbreviation) chosen by the user. Representatives of the service claim that more clicks are recorded on such URLs — by 34%. True, this feature is only available in paid versions.


Cost: free



Polr is one of the open source URL shorteners. Gained fame for the feature of separate hosting. You can install and run this service on your own domain. Polr was built in PHP and runs on Lumen, so deploying it to any server is no problem.

One of its advantages is the presence of a demo page, which many competitors do not have. It allows you to first try how the service works before agreeing to the terms of its use. Another plus is the ability to receive analytics about the work of links.


Cost: free


Is.gd is a minimalistic URL shortening service. Everything is clear and to the point here: you do not need to register and enter personal data when creating a user account. The main page contains only a field for entering a link that needs to be cut, and a "Shorten!" button.

The Is.gd service allows you to customize the link. To do this, go to the menu "Further options/custom URL" (located on the right under the line for entering the link) and enter the parameters you need. In addition, the user can turn the link into a QR code. To do this, you need to click on "Give me this URL as a QR code". This option appears after generating a short link — just below it.

By checking the "Log statistics for this link" option (located in the "Further options/custom URL" menu), you will receive click-through analytics divided by several criteria (browser, country, date, and so on). You can get acquainted with this data by clicking on "My recently shortened URLs" (located under the "Shorten!" button). All compressed links that you have recently created are stored here. You will be able to view information for those of them for which statistics tracking was previously enabled.

Tiny URL

Cost: Free version, paid versions (Pro - $9.99/month, Bulk100K - $99/month)

Tiny URL

Tiny URL is one of the old timers among link shorteners. Its launch took place in 2002 — as much as 20 years ago! For such a long time, he has not lost his popularity. They are still actively used. Once the social network Twitter collaborated with him. True, then she abandoned it in favor of Bitly, after which she developed her own link shortening system — T.co.

Working with Tiny URL is very easy. First, you need to insert the original long link into the input line. The "Customize your link" field will allow you to create a customized unique link. To get a customized version, enter your name that you came up with for the link.

Among the advantages of the service, users name maximum convenience and simplicity, as well as the ability to collect analytical data via links (this feature is available in paid versions). The disadvantage is the need for mandatory registration for the free version.


Cost: free



Cutt.us is one of the popular URL shortening services. Users really like the intuitive interface and the ability to customize the link on their own. The only drawback is the lack of a function for collecting analytical data.

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  1. Typical link shortener. It works according to the classic scheme: insert a long link, then set a unique link name in the "Suffix" field and click on "Cut". At the output, the user receives a truncated link and its QR code.
  2. Smart Multi URL Shortener. This part of the service will be needed by those who need to reduce a large number of links. With it, you can shorten 3 URLs at the same time.

The ability to cut several links at once is a significant advantage of Cutt.us, which distinguishes it from its competitors. True, such a seemingly useful function has a “side effect” — a slight slowdown in the service.


Cost: 21-day free trial, paid versions (Expert+ - $48/month, SMB - $99/month, Team - $299/month, Business - $599/month, Enterprise - price negotiable)


Bl.ink is a URL shortening service in demand in the business environment. The service has its own powerful set of APIs and extensive tools that are valuable for entrepreneurs. Well-known brands use it to increase sales: short links are more attractive to potential buyers and, accordingly, they are more likely to click on them.

In the social networks Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, the Bl.ink service can be used as an additional analytical tool with which it is convenient to collect information and evaluate the effectiveness of links.

Bl.ink can be used not only for social networks, but also for SMS and instant messengers. Short links look neat, do not go beyond one message and are easier for the addressee to perceive.


Cost: Free version, paid versions (Starter - $29/month, Pro - $89/month, Premium - $499/month, Enterprise - price is discussed individually)


Rebrandly is a powerful URL shortening tool for media and famous brands. This service transforms a long, clumsy link that cannot be dictated to anyone into a customized branded recognizable link.

Registration is not required to get started with Rebrandly. In addition to the usual shortening of the link, the service gives the user the opportunity not only to change its ending, but also to provide it with its own domain name. One of the significant advantages is the availability of many functions in the free version. The number of links that can be shortened is limited here. The free version is limited to 500 URLs per month, while the Premium plan allows you to cut 1,500,000 links per month.

You will have to pay to shorten thousands of links, connect several domain names, get detailed analytics (geography, language, device) and build reports. For those who want not just to cut links, but to use a full-fledged link manager, the service offers a Premium version with advanced functionality. If this is not enough, there is a special tariff, which will be calculated on an individual basis.


Cost: free


Ow.ly was originally created as a standalone link shortening service. Today it is part of the Hootsuite platform, a social media account management system whose main task is to analyze their performance. Ow.ly helps with the processing of statistical data, combining it with information about clicks on short links. Such details are very important for developing strategies in marketing.

To get started with Ow.ly, you must first register with Hootsuite. If you are not interested in collecting analytics or your activity is not related to social networks, it is better to choose something alternative.


Cost: Free version, paid versions (Beginner - $9/month, Basic - $29/month, Pro - $99/month, Premium - $299/month)


Wow.link is a URL shortening service with serious requirements for potential users. To start working with it, you must register. But that's not all. The e-mail address specified during the registration process must be verified by confirming the subscription by clicking on the link sent to it. Only after going through all these stages, you can finally begin to shorten the links.

The advantage of Wow.link is the ability to set the name of the company for the reduced link and provide it with a description and tags. In addition, the service allows you to independently determine the criteria for access to analytical data (with a password or freely).


Cost: free


T1p.de is a German URL shortening service. Working with it is extremely simple: you just need to insert a link into the field for entering it and click the button.

Among the advantages of the service, first of all, they name confidentiality and a high level of reliability. T1p.de does not collect personal data. Also, the pluses include an intuitive interface and the ability to dereference during the transition to a web page.

When not to shorten links

Shortening links does not always lead to positive results. In some cases, link shortening is contraindicated:

  1. Email newsletters. The mail program is not always able to track the "destination" where the short link leads. In order not to expose the owner of the mailbox to unnecessary danger of catching a virus, she fights against incomprehensible “short” links, throwing letters containing them into the Spam folder. If you need to share a URL with the recipient, put the original long link in the email, without any abbreviations.
  2. Site navigation. It is not recommended to use links cut with the help of the service in important sections of the page. When such a service is terminated, navigation to all shortened URLs does not work correctly.

Summing up

A short URL looks neat and saves the number of characters in a message when sent via SMS or messenger. Almost all link shortening services do this job well. We have presented to you only a part of such web programs that exist today - there are, of course, many more. But not all of them are free and, most importantly, safe. Therefore, cutting URLs is recommended only on a trusted service with a good reputation. When choosing it, do not forget to decide what you want from it: just shorten links or, in addition, collect information about the audience, receive statistics on clicks. The optimal solution should take into account your requirements and preferences as much as possible.


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