
Instagram Threads: An In-Depth Analysis of the Emerging Social Platform

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~7 min

July witnessed the unveiling of a fresh social media platform, Instagram Threads, regarded as a direct competitor to Twitter. In the initial 7-hour window of its commencement, it saw a staggering 10 million users register on it. The platform drew in a crowd with its near-instantaneous registration process (a mere 3 seconds), an agreeable limit on the size of posts, and a blissful lack of intrusive advertising, swiftly earning it the title of "Twitter slayer". Our article delves into what this novel social network entails and the opportunities it presents to users.

1. Understanding Instagram Threads
2. Functionalities of Threads
3. Integration with Instagram
4. Contrast with Twitter
5. Final thoughts

Understanding Instagram Threads

Instagram Threads, a microblogging platform, is the brainchild of Meta. Its user interface, in terms of aesthetics and operation, bears a striking resemblance to Twitter, whereas the account design mirrors that of its relative, Instagram. At its core, this platform is text-oriented, with the primary objective being the rapid exchange of textual content, photos, and videos with followers. Presently, it is posing as a lucrative alternative to Twitter, with aspirations to take over as its prime contender.

The initial introduction of Threads from Instagram took place in October 2019, providing users with the capability to exchange messages and engage in video chats. However, Instagram terminated its support in December 2021. The revamped 2023 version is substantially different from the earlier model, incorporating numerous fresh features while retaining some elements of the original app.

Rise in Popularity

In a span of merely a few hours post-launch, Threads Instagram witnessed the registration of 10 million users. By the conclusion of day one, this figure had escalated to 30 million and skyrocketed to 100 million within a short 5-day period.

Instagram Threads

On the inaugural day of the new social network, its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, shared the specifics of the app's meteoric ascension in popularity:

  • a staggering 2 million registrations within the first 2 hours;
  • 5 million sign-ups in a mere 4 hours;
  • an astounding 10 million users in just 7 hours.

To put this into perspective, Facebook required 852 days to amass 10 million users, while Twitter took 780 days to achieve this milestone. Conversely, Threads by Instagram accomplished the same feat in just half a day.

Embracing Decentralization

Decentralization is a burgeoning concept in today's technology landscape, characterized by the absence of a singular control hub or a single point of potential failure. A notable instance of its deployment is the widely recognized social platform, Mastodon.

Instagram Threads marks Meta's first venture into championing the idea of decentralization. As per the company's official blog, Threads is slated to soon embrace the decentralized ActivityPub protocol, which empowers social networking apps to interact seamlessly with one another, contingent on their adoption of this protocol. This signifies that user posts on Threads could potentially be viewed and even engaged with on other applications, such as Mastodon or WordPress.

A Mastodon user has the capability to forward a follow request to your Threads account, which you can approve or deny directly from it. Subsequently, you would be able to monitor their content posted on Mastodon from your Threads account without the necessity of creating a Mastodon account. Should you opt to transition from Threads on Instagram to another social platform, you have the liberty to migrate all your content. While this feature is yet to be activated, its eventual implementation is certain to be fascinating to observe.

Regulatory Challenges

As Meta readied itself for the worldwide introduction of its fresh application, it encountered significant regulatory and reputation-based impediments. Bloomberg reports that the company is barred from rolling out its social platform, Threads, in the European Union due to regulatory complexities tied to the recently implemented EU Digital Markets Act. Nonetheless, Meta spokespersons affirm that Europe holds strategic importance for them, and they remain committed to exploring possibilities for a European launch despite existing legislative intricacies that currently hinder it.

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Functionalities of Threads

After installing the Instagram Threads app from the App Store or Google Play, you can access the social network using your existing Instagram account credentials. This action permits the automatic import of your Instagram bio and followers. In addition. With Instagram's user base currently exceeding 2 billion, there is no necessity for building your followers from scratch. This feature is a distinct advantage that sets Threads apart from other Twitter alternatives.

A single post is limited to a 500-character limit. While significantly more than the 280-character limit offered by Twitter on their free accounts, it is perfectly in line with the character allowance on Mastodon. Each post can incorporate an image, GIF, or video up to 5 minutes in duration, with a maximum of 10 multimedia elements per post.

Drawing parallels to Twitter, Threads users can initiate new discussion topics. The creator of the topic dictates who can contribute to the thread: their followers, those they follow, or a specified list of tagged users. With these configurations in place, the public conversation thread will exclusively consist of comments from a defined audience, eliminating the need for constant moderation to weed out undesirable comments from unknown entities, bots, and spammers.

Integration with Instagram

Threads for Instagram operates as an affiliated application, though they remain distinct entities. Threads maintains a single feed, algorithmically curated like Instagram, composed of posts from followed users and system-recommended content. With just a few taps, a post made on Threads can be shared to your Instagram feed or stories. Users can also specify the visibility of their account, setting it as public or private. Verified profiles on Instagram automatically receive the same status on Threads, adding suitability to the Instagram Threads for business use.

Additional shared features with Instagram include:

  • Adherence to community guidelines. These rules stipulate the approval of posts suitable for diverse audiences and the prohibition of 'hate speech' (derogatory and belittling content). Meta's objective with Threads is to cultivate a social haven, encouraging “constructive, positive discussions”.
  • Content filtration. Each user determines who can respond to them or reference their username in a post. Furthermore, Threads provides a custom word filter option, allowing users to list words they prefer not to encounter in posts or messages. Subsequently, posts and responses containing these 'stop words' will be excluded from your feed and reply chains. Similar to Instagram, Threads users can report content that infringes upon the platform's regulations for review and potential penalties.
  • User blocking. Individuals blocked on Instagram will continue to be barred on Threads. This 'blacklist' can be modified via the Instagram app.
  • The 'Break' feature. This tool aids users in regulating their time spent on the network by limiting feed scrolling.
  • Parental controls. If this function has already been configured through the Meta Family Center, all settings will be automatically replicated in Threads.

Contrast with Twitter

Instagram Threads vs Twitter

The fundamental distinction between Threads and Twitter resides in the former's commitment to decentralization, a stark departure from Twitter's curtailment of free API access for external developers. In terms of function, Threads bears a strong resemblance to Twitter. The new social platform upholds the same methodology for crafting text posts, appending images and videos, following other individuals and companies, interacting with their content, sharing posts, and more.

However, several elements have not been replicated from Twitter to Threads. These include:

  • “Spaces”. Due to the absence of audio rooms, voice conferences aren't possible.
  • The ability to pin posts on a personal page.
  • Saving a favorite post to your bookmarks.
  • Support for alternate text for images.
  • The option to edit a published post.
  • In-built language translation feature.
  • Hashtags.
  • Private messaging.
  • Full-fledged support for the web version.

One significant edge that Meta's new offering holds over Twitter is its expansive user base, currently totaling 109 million. Meta does not intend to halt its expansion efforts and aims to encompass at least a segment of Instagram's 2.35 billion registered users with Threads. In comparison, Twitter's active user base currently stands at approximately 250 million.

Final thoughts

The Threads app Instagram is comparatively basic. It lacks many functionalities that Twitter enthusiasts appreciate, such as the capacity to send a private message, modify an already published post, and the desktop version. Its quick ascent in user popularity is likely driven by its decentralization efforts, the ease of the registration process, and the strong linkage with Instagram. However, this doesn't imply that the status quo will remain constant. The leadership at Meta has assured that they are planning on refining and enhancing Threads. Possibly in the near future, users might have the ability to incorporate hashtags and conduct private messaging directly. In addition, it is anticipated that enhancements to the search function and a feed displaying only the posts from followed users will be introduced.


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