
5 Best TeamSpeak Alternatives

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~9 min

TeamSpeak is an efficient workflow optimizer. Thanks to it, all members of a team can constantly be online. If this program does not suit you, you can choose a worthy analogue. We invite you to check out TeamSpeak like programs which are considered to be the best alternatives to this VoIP application.

1. What is TeamSpeak
2. How to choose TeamSpeak alternative
3. Mumble
4. Discord
5. Ventrilo
6. Skype
7. Overtone
8. Final thoughts

What is TeamSpeak

TeamSpeak is a VoIP client program that allows users to create conference calls and communicate in chat channels. Installed on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS operating systems. The client for Windows, Linux and MacOS is distributed free of charge, for downloading mobile versions for Android and iOS you will have to pay $0.99.

Main characteristics:

  • one of the best VoIP programs for gamers;
  • high level of security (AES encryption);
  • cross-platform;
  • the ability to create dedicated servers;
  • updated user interface in beta version;
  • the ability to make calls and chat.

The main audience of TeamSpeak is active gamers who use this software to communicate with members of their team and quickly exchange important information during a multiplayer game. Voice communication, freeing up hands, allows you to gain an advantage in the game.

What is TeamSpeak

Long before the popular Discord appeared today, many gamers relied entirely on TeamSpeak, and even now, when there are quite worthy alternatives, it still has quite a lot of loyal fans. The development and improvement of TeamSpeak functionality attracts users of more modern applications, and some are ready to exchange them for a modernized “old-timer” among VoIP software.

Voice chat

TeamSpeak has a text chat adapted for voice communication. Equipped with an impressive set of sound settings, voice chat offers users:

  • stable and uninterrupted connection;
  • noise reduction regulation;
  • setting the sensitivity of the microphone;
  • auto-correction of the voice volume level.

The Push-to-Talk mode is especially appreciated, when enabled, the microphone is activated by pressing a special hot key. Thus, the user gets the right to decide what should go live and what should not. This mode works as an embarrassment protector (when the other party hears something that was not intended for their ears) and protects against unwanted background noise.


TeamSpeak gives users the ability to create separate servers for their own needs. Other users can also connect to them to communicate on the topic proposed by the creator.

TeamSpeak belongs to older VoIP applications, so the server design here is not particularly attractive and more difficult to understand than in modern alternative programs. The free version offers users 32 slots. For many gamers, this amount is enough. If necessary, you can get additional slots if you pay for a server extension.

How to choose TeamSpeak alternative

If you decide to find software like TeamSpeak, this will not be difficult, since there are plenty of analogue applications today. The main thing is to choose the most suitable one. To get what you want, you first need to clearly define what exactly the alternative is for. For example, if you need a powerful messenger with high performance and maximum protection, this is one program. To communicate with members of the game team in separate themed rooms is a completely different application. If you need software for business to discuss business nuances with colleagues and partners, then you need a program with high popularity, which is used by almost everyone you know.

In our opinion, among the many VoIP applications, the best alternatives to TeamSpeak are 5 programs:

  • Mumble
  • Discord
  • Ventrilo
  • Skype
  • Overtone


Compatibility: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS

Cost: free (paid plan starts from 15 slots and is $9 per month)

What is Mumble

Mumble – TeamSpeak alternative open source, designed primarily for use as a voice chat in computer games. The program has firmly established itself in the ranking of the most popular VoIP applications in the world. It was developed specifically for gamers. This is confirmed by support for streaming data with minimal delay – just what you need to speed up and facilitate communication between members of the same team. Thanks to the presence of the positional sound mode, the user has a feeling of maximum immersion in the gaming environment.

According to many users, Mumble is especially valued by the high power of the servers. The program is able to withstand a sufficiently large number of simultaneous connections. It continues to work stably even when more than 100 players connect to the same chat room at once.

Gamers' data is protected by continuous encryption, so there is no need to be afraid of information leaks. Unfortunately, there is no protection against DDoS attacks.

Mumble is developing and improving to this day. In 2019, the developers released another update - version 1.3.0. The program received a new interface and advanced settings (for example, adjusting the volume of interlocutors' voices in the "Priority" mode. Modernizing the filter system and simplifying navigation allowed beginners to quickly master the work with the application.

The main advantages of the program:

  • targeting gamers;
  • minimum delay threshold for data transmission;
  • positional sound mode;
  • overlay inside the game;
  • end-to-end encryption;
  • availability of a mobile version of the application.


Compatibility: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, iPadOS, Web App

Cost: Free, paid versions of "Discord Nitro" ($9.99 monthly) and "Discord Nitro Classic" ($4.99 monthly)

What is Discord

Discord – free TeamSpeak alternative, with which you can create separate chats for thematic communication. Mostly used by gamers. Most often, it is preferred for ease of navigation, extensive administration options, high-quality communications, stability, support for 18 languages, as well as for the presence of protection against DDoS attacks and an IP blocker.

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One of the main advantages of Discord is the absence of serious requirements for the operating system and device resources. For players, this is a very important nuance. Another significant plus is high-quality sound. The program allows the user to configure the settings on an individual basis, separately for each participant in an audio or video conference, by activating the settings by voice or using a special Push-To-Talk button.

The main advantages of the program:

  • Minimum system requirements. Running the application on a computer or mobile device has almost no effect on its performance level and FPS in the game.
  • Orientation for gamers. The program was originally made specifically for players, so its functionality is best suited for this particular category of users.
  • Comfortable to use and easy to set up even for beginners.
  • Cross-platform. Discord supports all popular operating systems on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Availability. You can use the program completely free of charge.


Compatibility: Windows, macOS, Android

Cost: free

What is Ventrilo

Ventrilo is a program like TeamSpeak, among the advantages of which users name, first of all, voice communication with   low latency and lightweight design that does not distract from the game process. In terms of security, this application has a client-server architecture and provides strong encryption for all types of communications to maintain privacy.

Like Mumble, Ventrilo provides its users with a positional audio mode. It adds depth to voice chat and allows you to customize the sound according to your personal wishes.

For those who have used TeamSpeak before, navigating the Ventrilo interface will seem easy, but newcomers may find it difficult if they have only dealt with Discord or Overtone before.


Compatibility: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS

Cost: free

What is Skype

If you don’t need functions that are fundamental for gamers, if you don’t have any specific requirements for an alternative to TeamSpeak, if you want a simple and understandable at first glance service for standard communication, remember the existence of such an “old man” as Skype. It satisfies all your basic communication needs for both voice, text and video.

Skype is proprietary VoIP Internet telephony software. Using it is not at all difficult, even a beginner can cope with the settings. The program provides all the necessary functions that may be required for group communication of various formats (collective call, video conference, thematic chat). During a video call session, Skype allows you to open a chat and send files through it. This feature can cause inconvenience to the gamer during the game, but it will be useful to those who use the program for business negotiations, scientific conferences or just friendly gatherings.

The downside of Skype is that it requires a lot of system resources. Heavy loading of a computer or mobile device can have a negative impact on the game. Therefore, before installing the client on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, be sure to check whether such loads are acceptable for your system configuration.

The main advantages of the program:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • the ability to communicate in text format, voice and video;
  • the ability to send files up to 300 MB;
  • availability (distributed free of charge).


Compatibility: Windows, Android, iOS, Web App

Cost: free

What is Overtone

Overtone is an easy to use alternative to TeamSpeak. The program is based on the Vivox integrated voice chat service, which is considered one of the best and is used in the well-known games "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" ("PUBG") "Fortnite", "League of Legends". The application supports correspondence in text format, tete-a-tete voice chat, group chats, video calls. In addition, the service provides social features to help you connect with people who have similar interests, as well as find and join teams that play the same game.

Overtone does not impose serious requirements on the system resources of the device, it is quite easy to configure. It is not necessary to download and install the client, because you can run the application directly in the browser. Moreover, it is completely free to use.

The main advantages of the program:

  • targeting gamers;
  • the ability to communicate by chatting, voice and video;
  • the ability to run from a browser;
  • integration with publishers of popular games;
  • availability (distributed free of charge).

In 2019, Overtone was acquired by Unity. Since November 30, 2020, official support for the program has been discontinued. At the same time, the client for Windows can still be downloaded from the software catalogs on the Internet, the mobile version for Android and iOS can be downloaded from the app catalogs, since it is no longer available on Google Play and the App Store.

Final thoughts

Professional gamers, especially those on ambitious teams, have good reasons to continue using Teamspeak as their voice chat. A high level of sound quality, stable and uninterrupted data transfer, minimal load on device resources - this is what usually keeps users from looking for alternative solutions. And yet, if suddenly TeamSpeak ceased to satisfy your increased needs, you can always try any analogue of this program from the five we have proposed.

When choosing a new program for yourself and your team, you need to correctly prioritize. To do this, arrange the following criteria in descending order of importance: sound quality level, security, interface convenience, number of users in the room. Once you're done, take another look at the top 5 Teamspeak alternatives in this article – chances are one of them will be the perfect replacement.


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