
HubSpot Acquires Leading B2B AI Data Analytics Service Clearbit

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

HubSpot, a developer of cloud-based programs for automating inbound marketing and sales, announced the acquisition of Clearbit, a powerful data provider for business analytics. As a result of this transaction, the marketing platform is expected to expand massively by leveraging Clearbit's vast array of data on millions of businesses. Another positive effect of the merger is that its users (there are over 400,000 of them) and business clients (more than 1,500) will have full access to HubSpot functionality.

The Clearbit service was launched in 2015. Initially, it was a simple tool for monitoring and collecting information about companies: their contacts (phone numbers, email addresses), some personal information about employees (first and last name, position, social network accounts, and so on). During the development process, the developers equipped it with additional useful tools, in particular for marketing and sales, and also integrated it with leading CRM providers – Salesforce and HubSpot. Clearbit recently introduced LLM technologies to turn unstructured information into standardized data sets that are valuable to B2B teams. Matt Sornson, co-founder of the service and CEO of the company that developed it, noted that these AI technologies allow any enterprise from any country to be identified and supplemented with missing data.

Why did HubSpot need Clearbit? Representatives of the marketing platform shared that, despite the simplification of the data collection process provided by modern technologies, problems with its analysis and further use have not gone away. HubSpot CEO Yamini Rangan in a statement that combining the data accumulated by both platforms into one common dataset will help companies enrich their internal information about their customers in real time. Upon completion of the purchase and sale transaction, Clearbit will become a subsidiary of HubSpot and will be permanently merged with its client platform.