
Massive update to Google Workspace is announced

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~1 min

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) is getting a major update. Its presentation will take place at the Cloud Next conference scheduled for October 11-13, 2022.

The large-scale update of the Google Workspace cloud software package will delight users with many features that will be useful not only to users, but also to programmers and developers. It is worth saying that Google has already allowed integrations before, but today its representatives issued a statement that they are taking huge steps to bring Google Workspace to the first place in openness, convenience and functionality expansion.

Here are some of the new products that will be presented at Cloud Next:

  • The right to open "smart" hyperlinks with specific information added to Google Docs using the "@" symbol to a number of third-party providers - Atlassian and Asana, Tableau and Figma, AODocs and Miro.
  • A set of APIs for Chat and Meet services. With them, developers will be able to launch or initiate meetings directly in their applications. They will be available in the first quarter of 2023.
  • Meet SDK toolkit. Helps a developer quickly and successfully integrate their application into Meet.

In addition, for those wishing to work on their integrations, Google Workspace has integrated with the AppSheet platform. This will help you integrate with Chat using Google's codeless tool.