
Software Architecture fwdays'23

We are pleased to present Software Architecture fwdays'23 , a conference dedicated to the practical issues of software architecture.

Among the topics of the event:

  • Solution Architecture
  • System Architecture
  • Cloud Architecture 
  • DevOps.

The conference will feature Ukrainian and international experts in the field of software architecture development, discussions with top specialists, analysis of current cases

Date: September 19 and September 23

Format: online and offline (in Kyiv)

Presentation languages: Ukrainian and English

There are two types of tickets:

ONLINE TICKET (access and recordings of all broadcasts, Q&A with speakers, private chat, certificate of participation)

FULL TICKET (all options from the ONLINE TICKET, Offline participation in the conference, live networking, delicious lunch and coffee breaks)

Use promo code 778A92BDE4 and get a 10% discount, read reviews and details at https://bit.ly/3JLDBn0

The Fwdays team is also looking for speakers! Do you have cool practical experience in Software Architecture development and want to speak at a conference? Please fill out the form by August 7!